Ordinary African youths

The future of every nation lays in the hands of the youths! Looking at the youths of Africa today, the are not given the opportunity to head big offices, that is why the African government are losing so many talents to the white nations that so much appreciate every single idea an ordinary youth come up with, look at the US most of the people that are boosting their country image are young talented Africans that where not appreciated by their government. The best doctors in the united state are Nigerians"tell me" if Nigeria had respected them and gave them a chance,the wouldn't have left home! The youths of Africa are the most talented in the world, the white mans ideas of inventing machines, medicine and some other important amenities that are helping us today,African youths are the initial brain most of them are using to invent those things,just that our government don't even care... I think is high time the ordinary youth should be given a chance to do something at the top most government offices, you never can tell ontill you try! Old men have rule Africa for so long and we are not getting best of what we really want from them, may be we need to give the young ones a chance,may be that could really help Africa achieve there top most dreams. I meet a boy some where in Abuja,an amazing ordinary child,very creative and I asked him, if anyone was encouraging him financially, he said no, this boy made a standing fan,a network mask and a generator that can be use for some minutes without fuel, deep inside of me'i felt really bad, if the white are opportune to have such an amazing talent believe me the will make sure he become a historian in the future. Africa need to trust in the ability of the ordinary,on till then our dreams will come to pass. Leadership today in Africa is no more leadership'its now ruling, same old generation of people that started the errand of leadership in Africa are still the one in the government offices,even if you don't see them you will see their children their,its really annoying that leadership today in Africa is by inheritance, how can we get to the promise land when the people ruling our nations have never tested poverty, its only the ordinary man that knows the pain, hard times and the troubles of poverty that will make every ordinary Africa live a happy life. Life make no single sense if you are selfish. Speak for the ordinary Africans and support them,give them chance,use their ordinary ideas and see extraordinary Africa!


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