Internet as a means of earning.
I was thinking about the future to come and how man will manage to survive it, the logic is simple at the same time hard,when you look at the whites today"their life seems easy and smooth but have you ever took your time to look at the source of their simplicity life? the answer is capital NO.
The internet is the biggest platform on earth that every single seconds people are doing one or two things,the whites do not advertise much on the television and radio stations all the do is advertise on the internet through social medias and web pages like blogs and lot more.
The don't only earn money through the costumers that come in after seeing the advert "no"their are other things that give them money e.g Google ads,every click you make on their web pages give them a particular amount of money, i guess you are surprise but you don't need to be,but ask yourself this question'where do my data usually go? My dear the answer is simple,in every click you make on pages that ads are showing on your data is being subdivided into the site owners account.
I want to simply advice the youths to step into internet business and believe me this will help to reduce unemployment and crime in Africa,the whites are making huge amount of money everyday on the internet from our data during browsing, charting on social networks,you also earn good fortune from the internet,their are millions of internet businesses that pay very well,all the need is your hardwork.
Look at Mark Zu..and Brigade. Mark owns Facebook and Brigade owns the whole internet and when you talk about successful men in this life you most call this names, you don't need to be an internet wizard before you can start all you need is a well connected system android phone that is well connected to the internet.
Base on my few research most of the African youths are scard to set up internet businesses, while some are being discouraged by friends,believe me their is no single job in life that has no risk behind it, that is why only few Courageous Africans can boastfully stand when it comes to internet successful people in Africa, people like Linda Ikeji,Bella naija and lot more that are now millionaires through the internet.
I know of so many sites that pay good money to their per time and even full time workers. Serious minded should contact me and get the guard lines about how to start up something that will earn them good money ![](
on the internet, and will fully update you some of the website that pay good amount after completing each task! Together we can reduce crime and unemployment in Africa...