Entrepreneurship in Africa schools.
Entrepreneurship should be taught as a subject in all schools across Africa.
By far the biggest employer of people in African is what is generally called the informal sector"but the truth of the matter is that must people in African survive and put their kids through,by being"self employed"in some sort of business activity.Whilst most of the people in this sector are generally literates, having been to school there's very little in our education system that actually prepares them for a life running their own business.This attitude that people must"fend for themselves"is something we need to end across African. If the leaders ask for my advice:
There will be five things that i will recommened:
1.Publicly acknowledge that the information sector"is the central activity in your country,whether people are smallholder farmers,street traders or trades men and women,don't be ashamed to acknowledge them as real economy players. The are contributing to the economy just like the biggest businesses that you have in your country.
2.Acknowledge the importance of this sector by putting in place policies that enable them to prosper,the will grow employing more people,start by holding meeting with them which are genuinely aimed at listening and engaging them with dignity and respect.
3.Ensure law enforcement officials respect the informal sector.if governments don't formally recognize the key roles of this sector in the economy law enforcement may treat the entrepreneurs badly.this is whats makes this sector vulnerable to corrupt officials.
4.Ensure this sector enjoys real rights under the law,for exambl,no policemen should be allowed to arbitrarily confiscate someones goods without due process.court should be arranged (and officials trained) in such a way that they can adjudicate the needs of this sector speedily and last effectively.
5.Introduction entrepreneurship training into the formal education curriculum. By the time someone has completed 6years of school,they should be able to put together a basic profit and loss statement and a basic balance sheet.The should also be able to read financial statements.This is really,really simple and not much more complicated than reading football scores.
A high school leaver most also know.
#How to register a company,and register for tax.
#The basic company law of their country.
#About banks and how the operate.
#About payroll and laws governing the rights of others.
#How businesses really operate and prosperity is generated in an economy.
*About sustainability of both economy growth and the environment.
*I will go as far as to say that anyone who goes to a university must also have mandatory entrepreneurship training irrespective of what the study.
This is because we have university graduates that are
also unemployed.who could easily create jobs for themselves and others. Together we can help our vast army of entrepreneurs in Africa become skills-based,enterprise builders. I strongly believe that if African focuses on fostering and developing entrepreneurship,there will be a remarkable uplift in job creation...alazhizhi33@gmail.com