George Damil on PVC and the president recent comment
As the 2019 election is fast approaching I sincerely want to plead with good Nigerians to go and obtain their voters card (PVC) and should not obtain them only because of one bank insure or job we should go out their in mass to vote in the right people into government I believe no body needs to be told about the hardship Nigerians have being facing after 2015 election, 2019 is an opportunity for every good Nigerian to make things right by voting in the right people into power. Fighting corruption is good but doing it in such a way that the good people are not enjoying or even getting any positive benefit from it is as well as useless, for how long will the president keep on telling Nigerians stories innocent people of this country are dying everyday of hunger and some high blood pressure and others financial challenges to pay hospital bills. Look around the high ways and see how Nigerians are Hawking day after day, also visit under developing sites and see how youths are doing hard labours just to survive and the president recently said Nigeria youths are lazy and the want to eat free oil money, Mr President think Nigeria youths are lazy then i think he has not being in this country since he assumed office as the president of this country. Mr President put this at the back of your mind every system in Nigeria is corrupted even the so call corruption fighters I stand with Dino Malaye Gbagyi child.