Ketti and Gbau community not for sale.
FCDA has done a lot of harm to gbagyi communities in Abuja most especially communities under Amac and Kuje area council. With no fear i want to write this to whosoever is in charge of the current company or group of people demanding for 300 and 60 hecters of land in Ketti/Gbau community. Sir/Ma do you have human feelings at all? Do you realize farming is our major source of income here? How do you want the future generation to cope after this greedy act? With due respect only a greedy and selfish person will collect a land worth 300 and 60 hecters from poor farmers. How can any government agency give such allocation? How do you want the people of Ketti/Gbau community to survive this unfortunate act? Before you made this decision sir/Ma did you also think of how miserable life is going to be for this farmers? Oh i gaze you think your peanut compensation is going to buy them back their ancestral lands. Do not think you can intimidate my people sir/Ma we also know the law and we so much respect it here, Oga you and i know that" this land you are requesting for is too big and will cause a lot of famine in the future for people (Farming is all we do here to survive collecting such huge land will be inhuman of you.We are not
coward anymore.
coward anymore.
Ketti is our only home and our hope.