Appreciating a relationship after it fails

I can't even think, I can't even concentrate,why am I ruind I could never tell,I cried so much but not a tear I could shed,you never walked out of my dreams,neither did you walk into my arms why did I fall in love with you,I didn't find you now am lost, my life is lost without you my life is so empty without your love,you are the light in my dark,the picture of my unborn children, the future of my life.A friend like her is a friend of every mans dreams, letting her go was a teacher because life isn't always sunshine and butterflies.Sometimes you gat to smile through the pains,she ones brighten my grey,made my sky blue, I ones thought that her first name and my first name will sound greatly together and i
wasn't wrong,but needed to make a great sacrifice to avoid confusion.She is beautiful just like a goddess of a river,her characters are adorable,her care is a key to unlock sadness. Just understood life is like ocean it can be calm and still or even rough and rigid but in the end it is always beautiful I just want to see her happy but deep inside of me i still want to be the source of her happiness, the pain is not on the day of missing you,the pain is really when you live without them and with her presence in my heart. To meet,to know,to love then to part is the saddest tale of human heart I cry for the times that you where almost mine.Thanks for being my friend.Thanks for caring about me.Thanks everything you did for me even thu you shouldn't have but i am glad you did.Thank you for the good times, the days you filled with pleasure,thank you for fond memories and feelings I will always treasure.Joy in Tears.


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